So here is what I have learnt in the past six weeks about cancer and its limitations.
Cancer can't diminish love, it can't prevent friendships from deepening and new ones blossoming, it can't silence laughter, it can't suppress memories, it can't shatter hope, it can't conquer courage, it can't invade the soul, it can't steal an eternal life from the universe......and it sure as hell can't stop me playing with the barkcloth and making lampshades.
So I am back from the hospital this afternoon chemoed up to my eyeballs and delighted to announce the shop is back up and ready for business. My sincere apologies to customers old and new for slow responses and the absence of a phone service - I'm working on it promise.
I hope you like some of the new barkcloths. I'm on an imposed quarantine for a few days and hope to get a few more together.
My aim is to launch a lampshade fundraiser for Cancer Research but I want to do it properly and there are many talented folk I'd like to ask to help - this will take some energy and concentration both of which I'm a little low on at the moment.
For now any purchase from the shop will be my wig money. Yes having gone short for the first time in 20 years last week in preparation it was still a shock this morning to discover rather less on my crown than when I went to bed. Not being so keen on sporting a "monk like do" it may be time to take the rest off......but its so cold!
I have wrestled a little with whether or not this blog was somewhere I wanted to share my f****** cancer journey but never fear it won't be the focus. In many ways the mental scars are more scary than the physical ones and I know that in doing and sharing more of what I love I'll be protecting myself. The other deciding factor in going public is of course the hope that others who have to embark on this journey to the dark side get to see its not all darkness. My favourite t-shirt of all time reads "blessed are the cracked for they let in the light". And I am a little cracked at the mo.