I am blessed to be working on so many great projects at the moment....thank you kind customers and fellow granny chic collaborators.
One of my favourites but easily the most complicated product development is a cluster of mini patchworked scallop bell lampshades. There are so many components to get right.
Being a FollyandGlee product I want to use to loveliest of vintage fabrics, cotton lace and rescued embroideries. But I also want use only cotton or 100% wool trims....what a mammoth search that's been. Come on trimming manufacturers. We want more natural fibres!
I also want to use a complimentary light flex or cord. Hoorah I have now secured super flexes in linen and cotton. They are BRILLIANT and you are going to love them.
Then of course there's the electrical bit. Anyone would have thought I wanted the moon the hoops there have been to jump through.
I've specified a contemporary ceramic bulbholder in both white and black AND an aged brass much more industrial looking bulb holder. To turn it all into a working light that you hang as a cluster of three or five mini-shades?...aah I have talked of nothing much but multiple apertures and cord grips for weeks....but they are all finally here and I'm chuffed.
Actually making multiples at a reasonable price for folk is the next biggest hurdle. I am a one woman business and so far the lampshade elves haven't turned up overnight to helpout. In the absence of elves two alternative plans are now coming to fruition....a series of workshops led by moi for you to learn to make your own traditional style vintage shades (and go on to construct your own cluster light) AND a move to my own studio. Yes I know..somewhere where I can have multiple projects on the go at once and shut the door on the mess and return to a sparklingly clean home (NOT).